
“You can approach the act of writing with nervousness, excitement, hopefulness, or even despair–the sense that you can never completely put on the page what’s in your mind and heart. You can come to the act with your fists clenched and your eyes narrowed, ready to kick ass and take down names. You can come to it because you want a girl to marry you or because you want to change the world. Come to it any way but lightly. Let me say it again: you must not come lightly to the blank page.”- Stephen King, On Writing.





除了增加知識之外,作家更需要把玩知識。尼采說:「每個真正的男人的腹中都藏有一個很想嬉戲的小孩。」(女人懷有孩子的時候就自然是這樣 。)除了獲得知識是一件很有樂趣之事之外,把玩知識更能讓作者從不同角度觀看這個概念,把這個概念拆開,重組又或加入一些新元素,這個概念會變得跟原來的不一樣。Paul Krugman就寫了一篇名為《星際貿易之理論》的遊戲文章。行文之所以能變化萬千,原理來自嬉戲:只有嬉戲才能有新發現。嬉戲跟上述戰戰兢兢並不衝突,因爲要嬉戲就必須經過扎實的研究。Krugman也剛好寫了一篇關於他怎樣做評論的文章,在這裡跟大家分享一下。


(我的電郵其實已登在《關於山中》這一頁中。Follow me at twitter: @montwithin)

本篇發表於 自明本志, 書作論法 並標籤為 。將永久鏈結加入書籤。

7 Responses to 論寫作

  1. Bill 說道:


  2. mrtso1989 說道:

    i think writing is an art that judges need to practice as well. sometimes i wonder they simply write to entertain the legal professions, without considering whether common people have a chance to understand the law. Good writers like Thomas Paine or the late Lord Denning are fewer and fewer.

    I also talked about writing, take a look if you are interested: http://1989nineteeneightynine.wordpress.com/2013/04/15/on-legal-judgment/

    • 山中 說道:

      Thanks for letting me know of you post. I both agree and disagree with your conclusions there. I do believe that a ruling should be accessible and generally be well written. However, I really detest the use of legal jargon, especially Latin, because they, most often than not, serve no purpose other than to show off. This practice wastes a lot time and makes the subject appeared to be more difficult than needed be. A student could go read some science if not for the winded judgments of some old judges. Many a time I screamed at the judgment before me, wanting it to get to the point.

      The other purpose of this kind of practice is to protect and limit entries into this profession. If we can use plain English or Chinese in court and legal writing, lawyers’ fees could probably be cut by half. Just like French in international law, it’s really a grandfather clause whose only purpose is to ensure French nonexistent influence.

      Am I a bit unfair? you can bet your donkey that I am. Nonetheless, my point remains true that the legal profession, in generally, is mind-bogglingly conservative and unscientific. I think I went off topic with my rant as well.
