



Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)




Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them. (1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT)


凡在軛下作僕人的(註解:當奴隸的)、當以自己主人配受十分的恭敬、免得神的名和道理、被人褻瀆 。

僕人有信道的主人、不可因為與他是弟兄就輕看他,更要加意服事他 ,因為得服事之益處的、是信道蒙愛的。你要以此教訓人、勸勉人。


The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it.  “But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly.  Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given."  (Luke 12:47-48 NLT)


僕人知道主人的意思、卻不預備、又不順他的意思行、那僕人必多受責打。惟有那不知道的、作了當受責打的事、必少受責打,因為多給誰、就向誰多取,多託誰 、就向誰多要。


本篇發表於 科學知識, 傳媒水平 並標籤為 , , , , , 。將永久鏈結加入書籤。

51 Responses to 要引用《聖經》支持/反對「佔中」,不如引用耶穌支持恢復奴隸制

  1. Bill 說道:


  2. Eugene 說道:

    The passage quoted are in some letters/narratives written under a context for a specific purpose, responding to a situation.

    May I suggest we read a bigger portion of the letter, instead of just choosing one verse, cuz it is really easy to have the common mistake of taking things out of context. Once taken out of context, we can pretty much bend/distort it to any meaning we want. (And this is not for Bible but is applicable to all the books, quotes of a person, etc. I think we have seen enough examples in the entertainment news etc)

    First example:

    “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ." (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

    May I suggest to continue to read what is said to the master a few sentences later:

    “Masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Don’t threaten them; remember, you both have the same Master in heaven, and he has no favorites." (Ephesians 6:9 NLT)

    -This is a mutual advice: to both the slave and the master.

    Second example:

    “All slaves should show full respect for their masters
    so they will not bring shame on the name of God and his teaching.
    If the masters are believers, that is no excuse for being disrespectful.
    Those slaves should work all the harder because their efforts are helping other believers who are well loved." 1 Timothy 6:1-2

    May I suggest start reading 1 Timothy 5:

    The context is Paul (an experienced pastor) giving some advice to a relatively unexperienced pastor, Timothy. Timothy is facing a congregation that has the following problematic traits – the congregation is not doing what they suppose to do:
    1. dont give much respect old people
    2. dont care much about the widow (the most vulnerable group at that time as they are helpless)
    3. dont respect the teachers
    4. dont work hard because because their boss is a brother in church
    Using this slave example:
    this can be translated as: e.g.: My boss and I go to the same church. Therefore, I take advantage of that relationship and being late everyday, or slack off, etc – not doing my work.

    Pay attention: the sentence “there is no excuse for being disrespectful" is said under the immediate context of “of the masters are believers", and the background is talking about the problematic traits that the congregation is showing. Outcome is a bad testimony of God. Why? e.g.: when a customer goes to shop operated by Christians (both boss and employee), and see all the slacking and lousy service. What would be the impression?

    remmeber, this is a advice to the pastor: to teach the congregation who exhibit problematic traits, not a general teaching.

    Third example:

    The context is talking about the returning of God, the master of mankind.

    May I suggest to the paragraphs before:

    42 And the Lord replied, “A faithful, sensible servant is one to whom the master can give the responsibility of managing his other household servants and feeding them. 43 If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward. 44 I tell you the truth, the master will put that servant in charge of all he owns. 45 But what if the servant thinks, ‘My master won’t be back for a while,’ and he begins beating the other servants, partying, and getting drunk? 46 The master will return unannounced and unexpected, and he will cut the servant in pieces and banish him with the unfaithful. (Luke 12:42-46 NLT)

    please pay attention:
    first, there will be reward for faithful servant who did a good job – he will be in charge.

    ““And a servant who knows what the master wants, but isn’t prepared and doesn’t carry out those instructions, will be severely punished. 48 But someone who does not know, and then does something wrong, will be punished only lightly. When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required." (Luke 12:47-48 NLT)

    in the first case, the servant is: know the instructions and not carry out.
    the second case: the servant is: does not know the instructions and did something wrong. He got punished lightly NOT because he did not carry out the instructions (like the first one), but because he DID something WRONG.

    Would we be able see the difference between two?

    These three examples/verses quoted, are definitely NOT a support of an abusive slavery system in the Bible.
    Indeed, Bible is talking about exercising fairness and equality – to all the parties involved.

    Take the recent incident of HKTV. In broadstroke: Mr. Wong showed that he is a good boss and treating the employees well and train them with good quality equipment, skills, and courses. He also give good compensation. The employees are showing respect and working hard for him and the company. That mutality of respect seems to give us a glimpse of what the teachings of Bible would want to achieve.

    Thanks for reading, greatly appreciate it…

  3. Eugene 說道:

    as well, the above comment is only responding to the passages quoted. And that is not the only teaching/stance that the bible have, towards systems. Thank you.

  4. 陽劍文 說道:

    Eugene, did the bible tell the masters to serve and obey the slaves?
    So as long as you reward them (and perhaps not abuse them), slavery is acceptable?
    Would you like to be a slave?
    It is very simple: If slavery is unacceptable, why did the bible tell people how to treat a slave instead of pointing out the problem of slavery?

    • Eugene 說道:

      Hi 劍文, thank you for the response.. just my little thoughts to contribute/respond: –did the bible tell the masters to serve and obey the slaves?
      Using the passage:
      5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. 6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free. 9 And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.
      No, the passage does not tell the master to serve and obey the slaves. What the Bible is teaching from the above passage is that, the masters is to serve and obey God, who is the “common Master” of the slave and the master. The masters really need to watch out because God has no favoritism. Whatever the master is deciding to do with slave, he has to be done in fear of God.
      –as long as you reward them (and perhaps not abuse them), slavery is acceptable?
      I am not sure if slavery is acceptable or not from the passage. But it seems that the Bible is working with the existing system that was in place that Paul’s time. Note that, “working with the existing system” does not mean accepting/thinking it is good and here is why. If something is not acceptable, there is a spectrum of possible response. On one end of the spectrum is to abolish it totally. (One may be thinking about revolution, etc.) The other end is to subversively countering through living day by day and changing the pre-supposed behavior. (One can think about a rewarding master, a more than enough compensated employee. ) and everything in between.
      –Would you like to be a slave?
      I would not like to be a slave. However, one note, is that slavery has a broader and wider meaning/range of jobs than we perceive. It might include also the blue/white collar jobs.
      -It is very simple: If slavery is unacceptable, why did the bible tell people how to treat a slave instead of pointing out the problem of slavery?
      I do not know the answer as of why the Bible did not point out the problem of slavery. However, I do see that it point out the problem of the misuse of the slavery system and demand both the master and the slave to do their job under the fear of God.
      Similarly, at our present time, unfortunately, we cannot escape the effect of capitalism. However, the Bible did demand Christian (both boss/employee) to live subversively countering the core values of at their time. In NT time, slavery and Roman Empire. In our time, Christian are to live subversive countering capitalism. This applies both to the boss and the employee – while retaining their respective roles/positions under the current system. In essence, it is a lifestyle that lives in the system but not in the values of the system. Does it mean that it has abolished the system? We can make our judgement on that.
      Thanks a lot for reading…

  5. 山中 說道:


    Why do we need ‘context" in the discussion about slavery? Why didn’t Jesus just come out and say “owning another human being is wrong; thou shall not do that"? Why the Bible has rules regulating slavery when it can just say slavery is wrong? Why waste time and space on the first 4 commandments and not this?

    And what does HKTV have to do with any of this???

    • Eugene 說道:

      Hi 山中, thank you for the response.. just my little thoughts to contribute/respond:–Why do we need ‘context” in the discussion about slavery? Why didn’t Jesus just come out and say “owning another human being is wrong; thou shall not do that”? Why the Bible has rules regulating slavery when it can just say slavery is wrong? Why waste time and space on the first 4 commandments and not this?
      I do not know why Jesus did not just come out and say one should not owning another human being. However, the context is important precisely because the original posts was quoting verses from the Bible and then use the quoted to support an argument. I write the response is to point to, when quoting something or someone, a broader context needs to be known and considered. Otherwise, it is easy to distort and misuse the quotes. Context will allow us to have an understanding, in my opinion, more “safe" in avoiding as much as possible the danger of taking things out of context.
      Since the 10 Commandments is mentioned, maybe we can discuss the importance of context from that point of view and see why they are needed. Take the If 10 commandments, e.g.. Many of us (myself included until recently) would perceive that: this is a law that was came from above (and it is). However, allow us to be provided an alternative reading: when was the 10 commandments being given? answer: when Israelites escaped from Egypt, and before establishing again as a “nation"/people. Therefore, under that context, the 10 Commandments are not only some rules from heaven that needs to adhere, Rather, it might ALSO mean something similar to the charter of freedom to the Israelites. In other words, if Israelites would like to remain free as a nation/people, they’d better to adhere to those commandments. The first four is to ensure that they know that they should be obedient to God and not going towards idolatry as God is the provider and also the One who free them. The next 6 address how they treat each other. This is why first 4 cannot be omitted.
      just to add: going back to the original proposal/argument:
      1. The discussion is based on New Testament quote. However, since the quotes are not represented with broader context considered, 引用耶穌支持恢復奴隸制 is not as solid. (of course the whole article can be a “反諷" of people misusing the Bible. However, from what was perceived, it does not sound like a total “反諷")
      2. Based on it is not 反諷, then the supporting quotes needs to be investigated. And thats when context comes into play.
      3. The context of the quoted verse does not 支持、認同或鼓勵 slavery. therefore, the validity of 假如某人堅持他需要跟隨《聖經》的説法去選擇他的行爲,他也應同時支持恢復奴隸制 is questionable.

      Another issue: 要提出「耶穌什麽什麽」,就不要採櫻桃,只挑選支持你主張的耶穌,而漠視不支持你的,甚至是「不道德」的耶穌。
      Many would assume that there is a one answer to the question: Is occupy central Biblical or not? either yes or no. I think the 信報 article based on a narrative in the gospel, and from that narrative, an interpretation is derived and then being appropriated to the current occupy central issue. I think if one were to oppose such write up, may be (just in my little opinion) one can point out why the use of that passage is not appropriate, or, use other passages to appropriate the same occupy central issue but with the opposite response.
      Bottom line is: one might need to pass through the struggle that people can have their own opinion and as long as it is grounded in the scripture (with evidence shown that the original intent of Scripture is in that direction – that’s when context comes in), then it is a Biblical response. And Biblical response can be vary and even in tension with one another. This might not be of much value to many, but I guess, to the Bible believing Christians, this is important as their action is grounded in the Bible to the best of their knowledge and faith.
      –And what does HKTV have to do with any of this???
      My apologies if that illustration does not work as I intended. To elaborate more on HKTV. I remember that there is a picture taken when the staff of HKTV are being laid off last October. They were smiling with Mr. Wong in the picture. This is quite extra-ordinary. From what the other news etc, it shows that Mr. Wong is treating the employees well, in terms of equipment, training, and compensation, and respect. The employees, in return, are working hard for the company wholeheartedly with passion. Now, the highlight is, both Mr. Wong and the staffs are still functioning under capitalism. Mr. Wong is still the boss and staffs are employees. This relationship portrait is very different from what is usually being perceived as a boss/employee relationship under capitalism: where the boss has only one goal of money-making and the employees are only seen as tools to generate income.
      This boss/employee relationship is probably the closest image/illustration that I can think of as the outcome of a good boss/employee relationship.
      In our discussion: If the Bible advice on slavery is being taken seriously by the master and the slave, it will create a very different picture – that counters the core values of slavery.
      One might ask: can we really compare slavery versus employee? It can be argued both ways, however, some similarities cannot be ignored (in our discussion). They are similar in terms of 1) the system in operation in the world at that time 2) one (master/boss) have control of the use of time/life over the other (slave/employee); 3) rewards/compensations is given.
      Are there blurred lines? Yes. I couldn’t stop thinking about the poor workers in China and now in India, or even North America. People are working long hours producing what we consume in the sweatshops and being compensated very little. May be just enough to eat or not even. Is that a kind of slavery or capitalism? I would also add: If we says that we cannot survive with low wage that we are earning, when we buy all these products from sweatshops and generate demand, we are in a way slave-keeping. What do we do about it?

    • Carol 說道:

      2011-05-01 22:29:29






      • 山中 說道:


  6. Lai Curtis 說道:

    Why Paul not just said “free your slave as they are also in the love of god." to the master, but just saying do not abuse the slave? The bible teaching Christian to be a good slave master means that the bible accept Christian CAN BE a slave master.

    • Carol 說道:


      (使我想起求學時,國文老師所說沒有標點的荒謬故事: 「下雨天留客天天留我不留」)



      是阿!耶穌是神兒子那麼厲害,怎麼那時不從十字架下來用能力把那個人的嘴封住,然後再回十字架上繼續呢? 但耶穌卻反而說:父啊!求你赦免他們的罪,因為他們所做的自己不知道。(為這些人求情)

      理由就在 — 約翰福音3:16

      • 山中 說道:



        • Carol 說道:


          • Carol 說道:

            而最後變成 — 謝謝我告訴你原來不應該當上帝和耶穌是一回事。


  7. Eugene 說道:

    Hi Curtis, thanks a lot for the response..here is my contribution –Eugene: Why Paul not just said “free your slave as they are also in the love of god.” to the master, but just saying do not abuse the slave? The bible teaching Christian to be a good slave master means that the bible accept Christian CAN BE a slave master.
    I do not know why Paul did not say that. It seems that it is a fabric and fact of the lives at that time. However, Bible does provide an alternative of subversive living so that the core values of slavery and also the “assumed profit taker” is being challenged (please kindly refer to my response to other fds in the above).
    thanks for reading…

  8. Eugene 說道:

    More thoughts to share: I do want to point out that, the core issue that got us and get us concerned, is oppression. We are countering unfairness and oppression that is behind the slavery system, or capitalism, or even the the current political situations in hk.
    We see that the slaves are being oppressed in the slavery system. We see that employees are oppressed in the capitalism. We see that the HK people are oppressed by the government with all the unexplained/irrational/ridiculous policies/response to the issues/decisions. Oppression is to put people in a situation where escape from their current state is impossible.
    The Bible does give us a spectrum of responses to oppression:
    1. In the Old Testament, God heard the cry of the Israelites when they are being oppressed and rescued them out of slavery of Egypt.
    2. In passage quoted, the Bible teaches to live counter to the values of the systems that the society has taken for granted.
    3. God in the Bible always stands with the oppressed and the poor. It is the second mostly discussed issue in the bible and over 500 verses talked about oppressed and the poor. Remember that in a lot of situations where the poor mentioned in the Bible, it ties to the oppressed. People are poor due to circumstances out of their own control. It is definitely an important Bible teaching.
    And with all that, the ultimate result is that, God see all the good and bad one have done, in their roles in their lives, and will judge fairly. That’s the ultimate fear but also the hope of humanity. (That’s much bigger and broader than going to heaven – and definitely has a huge implication of how Christians should live).
    For more discussion on slavery, one can take a look at the book of Philemon. There are also cancelling debt, freeing slaves, etc mentioned in Deuteronomy 15, in addition to the year of Jubilee that work against multi-generational poverty.
    Thanks for the response and reading…I am learning a lot through responding.. Greatly appreciate your time.. and my apologies if it is being seen as an hijack of the original post..

  9. 山中 說道:


    I’m not going to read walls of words. Can you be concise and to the point? We three ask you the same question, and you haven’t answered it. If Jesus taught people to be a good slave master, then he didn’t oppose institutional slavery. The very act of his providing rules to regulate it means he supported institutional slavery in the form that he proposed.

    • Eugene 說道:

      1. In my knowledge, the Bible did not spelled out “I oppose institutional slavery" (if that what you are looking for). Slavery is a system that was at work in their time of being written. context context context
      2. The “regulations" deserves better attention. In my reading, they are subversive to the values/pre-supposed beneficial arrangement. That challenges the existing system as a whole, with remedy working on the actual behavior of all the parties involved (the master and the slave). You can decide whether that is in essence an “abolishment" when the values exercised is opposite to what is being taken for granted.
      I would imagine there is some main difference in our approaches. (Please correct me if I misunderstand) You assume that not saying something literally against and/or if someone provide ways to work in the existing system automatically equals to supporting/encouraging/endorsing it. My approach is looking at what the teachings is asking people to behave and evaluate based on the values presented.
      Analogy: we cannot escape capitalism because it is at work at our society BUT we can still learn to live differently opposite to the great influence of it – while inescapably still being part of the system. For example: if someone work and earn wages in a financial institution but start learning to share what he earned with the poor (the poor being the presumed non-winners in the system) through different means as much as possible. Does it mean that he supports/encourages/endorses capitalism just by being in it? For me, it is a No. indeed, his behavior/the values behind is precisely opposite to it.
      3. Other recordings in the Bible that touches the issue of freeing the slaves: the exodus experience of the Israelites – God rescue Israelites out of slavery and free them; and the teachings on the year of Jubilee. You might be interested to check them out.
      Thanks for reading again, appreciate it…
      (sorry for the late reply as there is no notification, and I did answer individual questions, but hope that this shorter write-up is more readable)

      • 山中 說道:

        What context? Isn’t the Bible supposed to god’s words? And isn’t god the source of morality? What kind of god is that if it does n’t even come out to say slavery is what?

        • Eugene 說道:

          hi, 山中, thanks again..
          it looks like your assumptions are:
          1. God’s word falls from heaven and are rules/principles.
          2. God will come out to say something about something that we care about.

          Facts- which probably will not fit your expectations:
          Bible – over 60% or more is narrative, the rest include letters to a specific audience, poems written under a particular circumstances etc. The Bible, unavoidably, is written by humanity located at a particular snapshot of history and with a particular purpose. We definitely can admit that we might not find “satisfactory" answer from the Bible, and we can be disappointed and challenge the kind of God He is if He is silent on issue xyz. But is there a possibility that we are trying to look for answers with good intention but with the wrong book?

          In addition, may I also suggest that the main focus of the Bible is not even morality?

          However, what WAS mentioned in the Bible is that God sided with the oppressed and the poor. The Bible talks about the fact, the nature, and the offer of salvation and it demands Christians to love God and others.

          That’s the kind of God in the Bible.

          The original article is, is a Bible believing Christian, who, based on his understanding on a certain narrated portion of Jesus’ life, appropriate it to the current issue and articulate his response. you might not find it worth while (as stated in your article) that but that’s quite a common practice. That is faith actualized.

        • Carol 說道:

          歌羅西書 Colossians

          Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.

    • Carol 說道:

      山中先生:人家Eugene 都讀了你一篇文章,也踴躍熱情的回應。
      對於他的分享卻是 I’m not going to read walls of words.,不覺得很沒當筆者的修養嗎?

  10. Passerby 說道:


    It does not matter how much love and respect are given to the slave by the master. At the end of the day, the slave is still not a free man and does not have the freedom to leave. The Bible could have said “free your slave or treat your slave like a free person" but we all know that did not happen. It is no doubt the Bible condones a special form of slavery – as long as the master believes in God and the slave master treats his slaves well, it is okay to own a human being and take away his freedom.

    I am sure some 100 years ago, the same discussion was happening somewhere but the Bible was instead quoted to institutionalize slavery and to instruct the slaves to serve their masters with respect and love. If not for the people who questioned and defied the Bible, we probably would not be having this discussion as slavery would probably still be well-accepted.

    Aren’t u a bit conniving and deceptive writing wall of words just to avoid admitting a simple truth that “friendly" slavery has been endorsed by the Bible for 1000+ years only until very recently?

  11. Eugene 說道:

    Hi Passerby, I do not intend to load the page with the word walls to deceive (I need to work on my writing skill). The keyword that I do not agree (and therefore will not be comfortable/ready to admit your statement of simple “truth") is the word “endorse/support/encourage". I would not agree that promoting an alternative living style with values that is opposite/subversive to the presumed system (context) is equal to “endorse/support/encourage" the presumed system. Thanks a lot for your reading and feedback.. appreciate it!

    • Passerby 說道:

      You are being dodgy again. Slavery is about possession of a person and taking away the person’s freedom. The Bible did not suggest returning slaves to freedom. So it is not about promoting an alternative living style with values that is opposite/subversive to the presumed system. It is about suggesting a MORE ACCEPTABLE living style with values CONSISTENT WITH the presumed system. Please don’t twist the meaning in your abstraction. That’s too CY-like.

      • Eugene 說道:

        Hi Passerby:

        I guess the core values of slavery perceived by you and me differs. Oppression and unfair treatement possible in the existing system is what comes to my mind. The teachings of Bible counters it. These teachings is even unique in a world where abusive and oppressive slavery is common practice.

        You core values of slavery might be referring to 1. owning a person 2. has control of use over its time and therefore you implied that freedom is taken away.

        I just want to point out we might be referring to different things and therefore the subversiveness in my mind does not match your expectation/perception.

        I do not intend to twist the meaning. (I dont think you labelling of the conversation/argument is fair.)

        • 山中 說道:


          What value system? Slavery is about persons being in others’ possessions, that’s it. If the teaching of Bible supports slavery, then it supports human beings being the property of other human beings. Is there any higher form of oppression than that?

          • eugene 說道:

            my response:
            1. worst oppression is being mistreated, not being owned.

            Here is why: lets face it, human history is full of darkness and “being owned"/slavery happens (past and present) in many ways:
            a. stance of the “winner" on country level and personal level after war;
            b. financial reason (volunntary people need to sell themselves to get financial compensaton);
            c. our more familiar image of large scale slave trade that happens based on race;
            d. or even now – sweat shops in all the countries producing cheap products for our consumption;
            e. or even people who are high paid but actually putting in 70, 80 hours each week working in central/downtown to finish
            their work, etc.
            Note that these are FACTS happening in the past and at present, and is not going away, regardless of time.
            What makes humanity even more at pain is the mistreat and abuse under these factual slavery situations: Master doing whatever they like to the slave, sweatshop runners/boss in office demanding work to be done otherwise no breaks/weekends..

            Mistreating inflict a bigger harm.

            2. In Bible cannot be said to “support" slavery:

            Two major incidents in Bible: a. Exodus and b. Jesus Christ

            a. The Bible have narrated the freeing of enslaved Israelites from Egypt.
            b. The Bible have mention that in Christ/God, there is no distinction:
            [in the context of belonging to God]
            There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)
            [in the context of new life in God]
            …a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all.(colossians 3:28)

            c. Other Bible teachings when read in context, in both OT and NT are demanding actual behavoral change to the values taken for granted at that time for the protection of slaves.
            “Regulatons" that is radical.

            In all, ultimate hope of release and restore is in Christ. But the Bible demand believers to change their behavior now
            so that there is a foretaste of release for the world until Christ come back.

            ..just share to provide an alternative possiblility reading…
            Thanks a lot for reading and the stimulations in the conversation. appreciate it.

        • Passerby 說道:


          Let me try to get what you mean.

          When one promotes sex and love are inseparable and instructs the prostitutes and customers to develop love and respect during prostitution, he is not supportive of prostitution.

          Also, you and I perceive the core values of prostitution differently. I see the “core value" as paid sex. You perceive the “core value" as sex without a strong emotional foundation. As such, one-night stand and sex between loveless couples are prostitution, while business with loyal customers and 援交 and 包養 are not.

          So this love promoter, instructing the customers to cuddle and kiss the prostitutes and the prostitutes to serve as if the customers are their husbands, is not endorsing prostitution because the context is love and sex are not separable.

          I am speechless.

          • eugene 說道:

            I am not sure if I get what you are saying..
            All I want to say is, reading with the context in mind, in my understanding, the Bible does have sayings demanding people to behave differently than the rest of the people in the existing system.
            One might see this is as a confrontation, challenge, or work with, or adhere, or even encourage the system depends on what aspect are we looking. To the best of my own understanding, I am much more comfortable and convinced that it is a confrontation and challenge in the case of slavery, and the oppressive element of it.
            This also put all the Bible believing people to a practical decision point: are we going to change how we behave given the system we are living in, espeically for us who are 既得利益者?
            That brings the change, I guess, on the personal and community level, and hopefully thats a part of the change that would benefit the world.
            Thank you for reading..

  12. Carol 說道:

    歌羅西書 Colossians

    Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.

    • 我就問你一句,是否只要奴隸主人不虐待奴隸,基督教就覺得奴隸制沒有問題?

      • Carol 說道:







        若真要從個人望眼世界的話,覺得最好能撇棄偏見,open mind的深入讀『聖經』這本書,而不是透過其他人說聖經裡面這樣,或者是什麼相關文章。而是『真真正正的研讀聖經』,瞭解歷史背景和裡面講到上帝所做的事情。



        • Carol 說道:

          至於講道摩西有立保護奴隸的規條,請見聖經 利未記25章39節

          • (Curtis)


            首先,經文中的「弟兄」二字的實際意思其實非常明顯,就是指以色列人,因為第42節明顯提到「因為他們是我的僕人,是我從埃及地領出來的,不可賣為奴僕。 」摩西時代從埃及地出來的,不是指以色列人,難道還包括中國人嗎?

            你們要將他們遺留給你們的子孫為產業,要永遠從他們中間揀出奴僕;只是你們的弟兄以色列人,你們不可嚴嚴地轄管。 」


        • Carol 說道:


        • 山中 說道:


          Exodus 21:20: If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.


        • (陽劍文) 簡直荒謬至極, 我為遠古至今的奴隸感到悲傷, 因為有一群活在物質富裕丶有基本人權保障的人不去體察他們。你的說話聽上去很刻薄。

          「既然已經成為奴隸就要好好的工作」? 你竟然還敢拿美國解放奴隸做例子? 解放奴隸不就是因為奴隸制本身就有問題嗎? 奴隸制如果有問題, 為何聖經沒有禁止反而叫奴隸接受現實就算? 不如你去做奴隸, 好不好? 現在要你歸屬於某人丶做某人的財產, 你是否願意? 父母與兒女、丈夫與妻子本質根本與奴隸制的本質不同, 你在說甚麼?


          • Carol 說道:





            上面所說的是 『真真正正的 <>聖經』,要瞭解當時的歷史怎麼延續的,背景又是如何。而我必須誠實的說,聖經真的是很多奧秘,我就算窮盡自己的一生可能也無法讀透。



            美國Kansas city IHOP 24小時禱告殿每年都在為販賣人口,和未成年少女懷孕禱告。也默默的去做拯救、關懷,甚至鼓勵教會的基督徒領養他們的小孩,不要殺害生命。




            言盡與此~ 相逢是有緣,神愛世人,相信祂的愛不僅是為我預備,也是為你們預備的。


          • 山中 說道:



  13. Carol 說道:


  14. paulcheng 說道:





    還有,聖經只記載上帝厭惡 “同性性行爲”(不是同性註冊結婚),就算我地認同這行爲是罪,難道我們可以立法不准犯罪的人(按聖經)結婚嗎?那不信上帝,貪婪,作假見證,拜觀音,黃大仙的,黑社會的,通通不准結婚(按基督教徒的標準)。敢,天國就可能很快實現了,因爲再過不久世界上就剩下一幫癡癡呆呆卻又非常聖潔的亞當同夏娃。

  15. paulcheng 說道:


    正如聖經認同女人地位較低(不要提瑪麗亞,please) ,正如當時的人不知道地球是圓的而且飄浮在太空之中,更不可能知道什麽是大爆炸。當時的人肯定不知道什麽是公民抗命,硬要在裏面找些“金句”來支持佔中/或不佔中,其實同凡事都去求支籤看看菩薩怎麽說是一樣的。



  16. Natalie 說道:

    Exodus 21:20: If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.

    Deuteronomy 15:12-15: 12 If any of your people—Hebrew men or women—sell themselves to you and serve you six years, in the seventh year you must let them go free. 13 And when you release them, do not send them away empty-handed. 14 Supply them liberally from your flock, your threshing floor and your winepress. Give to them as the Lord your God has blessed you. 15 Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and the Lord your God redeemed you. That is why I give you this command today.
    further reference: 12-18


  17. paulcheng 說道:


  18. paulcheng 說道:


  19. paulcheng 說道:

    //神不是用律法彰顯自己,而是用包容同忍耐。。// 神當然不是用律法彰顯自己啦,他是用洪水滅絕全世界(下次用火,上帝是信實的)。上帝包容同忍耐法老王,所以以色列人才會在埃及做奴隸幾百年。但上帝絕不包容同忍耐不聼話的百姓,他會馬上擊殺的。上面的兄姐們肯定可以列擧出一百個這樣的經文記載。上帝想了很久,決定親自下凡搭救世人,但也忍耐了幾千年。沒問題,上帝看千年如一日。


  20. 引用通告: 聆聽水聲 | 中華人文主義者協會

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