
在佔領中環 的facebook看到陳健民繼續解畫,我始終看不出他們的想要完成什麽目標,怎樣完成目標和他們完成目標對政制問題有什麽影響。以下用藍色標示的是陳健民的説話。













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25 Responses to 佔領中環始終解答不了策略問題

  1. C 說道:


    「如果是長期癱瘓,甚至只有有違法行爲,警察就會清場,行動效果也一樣煙消雲散。」 — 我不太同意這點。清場手法太狠會令一部份人反感而轉向支持佔中人士。

    • 山中 說道:


      • annie 說道:


        • 山中 說道:

          ? 沒有目標怎樣制定策略?如果佔中不是credible threat,提它來有什麽用?爲什麽會有一萬人坐監?這好像不是香港法律制度的運作模式。

  2. anon 說道:

    What do you think Rosa Parks had done on December 1, 1955?

    • 山中 說道:

      我相信他們對這些問題也沒有答案。Rosa Parks帶起了國際社會對人權的關注和支出當時的「民主」國家在人權問題上採用雙重標準,但她與往後的行動主要是人權運動,不是政治運動。

  3. anon 說道:

    Do you think Rosa foreseed the results of violating the existing laws at her time?
    Do the “rights" in human rights ever exist meaningfully without the protection of law? Don’t they have to work tandemly?

    • 山中 說道:

      We to think about couple things: 1) whether the law is just; 2) whether people have to right to defend themselves against unjust law. Rights do require just law for protection, but unjust laws will violate the most basic rights, so if the point is to uphold the rights (or have more rights), the unjust legal regime will have to be dismantled. That said, how correct is the “right claim" is another question.

  4. anon 說道:

    Thanks. I want to go back to:
    in relation to
    Do you think Rosa foreseed the results of violating the existing laws at her time?"

    In the case of Rosa, she, even in her wildest dream, would not have forseed the results of her actions.
    If " 想要完成什麽目標,怎樣完成目標和他們完成目標對政制問題有什麽影響",
    then, she should move to the back of the bus until she formulates a concrete plan for fight the injusted?

    • 山中 說道:

      Rosa Parks is an individual taking individual action, not a movement. Occupy Central is an quasi-organized political movement trying to establish a democratic regime. They are fundamentally different.

  5. anon 說道:

    “Rosa Parks is an individual taking individual action, not a movement. "
    Was Civil Rights movement an individual action or movement?
    Can you give us an example where a movement does not orginate from one individual at its infancy?

  6. anon 說道:

    “Rosa Parks is an individual taking individual action, not a movement."
    Do you know Rosa Parks’ action lead to Montgomery Bus Boycott? Are the boycott of a few thousand people (a movement) started from the action of one? Prof. Tai is trying to make just a movement.

    Is Montgomary Bus Boycott a human right movement or a political movement? Can you enlighten us on the difference?

    • 山中 說道:

      Do I need to roll my eyes at you? Rosa, as I have already said, was an individual taking individual action; she was not, note the word here, organizing a movement. And seriously, you can’t tell the difference? Political movement calls for the change of the whole political regime; a right moment calls for the implementation or upholding of a certain right. What happened in Egypt was a political movement, not a right movement

      • anon 說道:

        “Rosa, as I have already said, was an individual taking individual action"

        Rosa is a card-carrying member of NAACP long before all these. Do you know what NAACP does? What usually a Secratary of NAACP does?

        • 山中 說道:

          I have been a member of the PlayStation Network for 7 years, does that mean I am planning and executing Sony’s corporate strategy whenever I pick up the controller and play games on online with friends? Man, Sony should start paying me executive salary.

  7. anon 說道:

    “Political movement calls for the change of the whole political regime; a right moment calls for the implementation or upholding of a certain right."

    You are the very first person able to claim Political movements and Social Movements is mutually exclusive, one doesn’t involve the other. Like oil and water they live in separete world.

    • 山中 說道:

      Where did I use the term, “social moment"? and where did I say political and social movement are mutually exclusive? You cannot understand the word “different"? Man and woman are different, does that mean they are mutually exclusive to one another? You cannot see that a political movement has a different range and scope from a “right movement"?

      Like I said before, if you cannot read, why bother posting questions. Go learn how to read first.

  8. anon 說道:

    I have been a member of the PlayStation Network for 7 years, does that mean I am planning and executing Sony’s corporate strategy whenever I pick up the controller and play games on online with friends? Man, Sony should start paying me executive salary.

    One more question: Do you buy condoms to jerk off? I thought people buy them to have sexual intercourse. But you a have difference way of thinking. hahahahahahaa

    NAACP had been looking for an opportunity to break the law to bring the issue front and center. It was in the plan. Read some history, would you?

    • 山中 說道:

      Your point being? When did Rosa Parks cease to become an individual when she joined an organization? Even if she was fulfilling an organization plan, so what? Was she planning the organization strategy? Even if she was, so? What does it have to do with the topic at hand?

      You know condoms can also be used to smuggle drugs? You know they can be brought by consumer groups for testing and for review? and again, you point?

      If you are so thick that you are unable to raise any coherent and substantial points, then you have no business asking any questions.

  9. anon 說道:

    By the way, if you a member of Playstation Network for 7 years, “normal people" would think you intend to play online games. Not earning a salary. Pick a better arguement next time.

    Stop jerking off with a condom on, you will grow teller. ahahahaahaaaa

  10. anon 說道:

    No need to reply anymore. I will laugh my head off if you do.

    You are a phony.

    • 山中 說道:

      It seems you are incapable of understanding simple words.

    • C 說道:


      Calm down. 🙂

      From Wikipedia, “Nixon conferred with Jo Ann Robinson, an Alabama State College professor and member of the Women’s Political Council (WPC), about the Parks’ case. Robinson believed it important to seize the opportunity and stayed up all night mimeographing over 35,000 handbills announcing a bus boycott. The Women’s Political Council was the first group to officially endorse the boycott." (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_Parks#Montgomery_Bus_Boycott)

      I think it is more relevant to compare 陳健民 with Nixon & Robinson, rather than with Parks. After all, Parks was not the organizer.

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