





要簡單總結的話,想要快速的作出好決定,你就得花上非常長的時間在學習、反思、搜證、驗證和訓練之上,有了這個基礎你才能減少決定失誤的機會。在John BoydOODA概念中,整個過程稱爲Orientation。用上孫子的系統,我們可以稱上述meta-廟算的部分始計,使用這些知識制定一套策略去作爲往後行動準則的過程,我們可以叫它爲「廟算」。因爲越是想得多,越是想的仔細,想得越是接近現實,越是能修正,往後行動的效果就越好。所以孫子說「多算勝,少算不勝,而況於無算乎」。


本篇發表於 社會心理, 策略, 政治與經濟 並標籤為 。將永久鏈結加入書籤。

38 Responses to 始計廟算

  1. Twice 說道:

    >在John Boyd的OODA概念中,整個過程稱爲Orientation

    OODA全寫係 Observe, Orient, Decide, Act
    當中既Orient係指: filtering of the information through our culture, genetics, ability to analyze and synthesize, and previous experience

    OODA 可以睇成一個進階高速既 Try and Error
    重點係 loop

    Meta-analysis 嘛, 唔好唔識又作新名詞害人啦

  2. Twice 說道:

    OODA已經係一個行動, 可以話係 action plan, 學習同訓練係你實行OODA前已經要做既事, 你到底識唔識?

    Meta-analysis 你又識唔識丫? 無 Meta-analysis 比你 「廟算」 學習一下你又做到個點様既 OODA-loop 出黎丫?

    學習階段有邊個唔係 half a brain? 不過都好過唔識唔熟又亂作野害人既「大師」

    • 山中 說道:


      • Twice 說道:

        Quote: 要簡單總結的話,想要快速的作出好決定,你就得花上非常長的時間在學習、反思、搜證、驗證和訓練之上,有了這個基礎你才能減少決定失誤的機會。在John Boyd的OODA概念中,整個過程稱爲Orientation。

        Quote: 我文章咪講Orientation之前有什麽背景基礎囉

        請你再 Observe 一下自己講過乜先再做剩下的 ODA 吧

        了解一下 John Boyd 寫 OODA 既背景其實係有助你寫文抨柯文哲
        如果有興趣可以用柯既醫學背景中既醫生學習決定模式和 OODA 比較一下

        而柯文哲口中既「 快 = 好」係相對以前市政府既議而不決, 決而不行, 並唔係單單「 快 = 好」

        • William Lam 說道:

          「 快 = 好」>>>>>可能是上任後發現部分競選承諾是難以執行的, 故極速推翻(或改口詳細研究及再商討), 就是「 快 = 好」…….不過, 這又讓人懷疑他之前拋出承諾時, 有否做過研究了…….

        • 山中 說道:





          • Twice 說道:

            我有説的話請 Quote 吧, 十分歡迎

            Orientation是一個過程, 以你早前的學習訓練為基礎, 但你並不會在實行 OODA 的任一環節進行學習或訓練, 這是OODA 前你己要做的事, 這又很難理解?Education 同 Application 係有關係, 但係兩回事, 明未? 用簡單D既方法講, 食飯前要煮飯, 但食飯還食飯, 煮飯還煮飯, 兩回事, 但有關係, 又明唔明? 定係你去大家樂食飯系包括自己係大家樂煮飯? 係既話我無野好講

            似乎你連上校寫 OODA 既 background 都唔知, 唉, 唔知就唔知學人吹啦, 下次不如用 E-M Theory, 應該仲好笑, 成班黑手黨都會比你激到笑死

            醫什麽生? 你用得出 OODA 都應該知點解要理解對方背景睇對方既思考方式掛?

          • 山中 說道:

            你行動的結果不會讓你重新思考原來的前提假設是否正確?個 Loop 去了什麽地方。好明顯你根本就沒有讀過相關論説,我連英文文章放在這裏你都不去看一下。啊,忘了,你不懂英文。


          • Twice 說道:

            又正經番D講, 不如你仔細想下, 在 OODA loop 中柯文哲既敵人係乜, 柯文哲又可以點反應

          • 山中 說道:

            你正經點什麽?OODA 是一個決策過程,就是沒有敵人也不代表決策就是越快越好。OODA本身也要要求考慮決定本身是否符合現實,這是Orientation的作用。爲何附上英文文章你都不去看?啊,忘了,你不懂英文。

  3. 路人 說道:



    • 某人 說道:


      就是要評論有人將 “快" = “好" 啊…

      • 路人 說道:

        『越快的的決定就越有效率,越「好」』也可以說是 “有效率=好” 啊..

        • 某人 說道:


          • William Lam 說道:

            大躍進不就是最佳體現嗎? 原有籌劃了兩年的二五計劃在毛澤東一句話後就遭推翻了, 然後在三個月內就重訂"空想"目標了……..很有效率啊! 但結果……

          • 路人 說道:


          • 路人 說道:



          • 山中 說道:



          • 路人 說道:

            //….原有籌劃了兩年的二五計劃在毛澤東一句話後就遭推翻了, ….//


          • 山中 說道:


          • 路人 說道:


          • 山中 說道:


          • 路人 說道:

            你似乎分不清 “對錯” 與 “存在” 之區別。

          • 山中 說道:


  4. 路人 說道:


    我有說過「中共要求所以它就是對(或是錯)」嗎?我只是作一個事實陳述,是 “對” 還是 “錯” 對於不同的人和不同的價值觀會有不同的判斷。
    因此,無論你認為中共要求是 “對” 還是 “錯”,都不會影響這個世界事實上很可能已有數以十億計的人的價值觀是有包括民主這一個事實的存在,他們並且會以包括有民主內容的價值觀來衡量和判斷事情而得出他們認為是 “對” 還是 “錯” 的結論。

    如果你是想說民主不應該被作為價值觀的話,那 “並非” 是 “不應該” 的意思嗎?

    • 山中 說道:


  5. Twice 說道:


    Someone is so interesting to apply the OODA in this way. Would you mind to elaborate more on how to apply the OODA loop, and how this got direct link with “education"? I am quite sinecre to wait for your teaching and explanation, if you are able to. But well maybe it’s a bit hard for you because you didn’t know the history and reason for him to write OODA at all…

    For the OODA, Boyd has already mention the situation is dynamic (dogfight), and after finishing a OODA you may need to redo it (the OODA) again because situation changed. The main point of the loop is to help you to think and act quicker than your enemy, and to shoot them down as quick as possible. But do you know why “quick" was being emphasised in the OODA loop? Time for your homework for the history background of the OODA.

    Sorry if you have eyesight problem but in other replies I have already explained the reason for him saying “Fast is good" was due to the inability of the pervious Taipei City Government to decide and act, and everything was always too slow and too late. Or maybe you are too subjective to read it…

    Personally I admit that I read E-M Theory and Patterns of Conflict more that OODA, but at least I won’t boast about it with wrong concepts.

    Lastly, please, would you mind to quote where did I say “orientation與學習、訓練無關,然後又說Orientation包含了學習和訓練" ? I would sincerely thank you!

    • Wai 說道:

      An ass who tries to be a smartass is just a dumbass. How hard it is for Mr Shan Chung to understand pretending to be someone you are not only gives you suffering…

    • 山中 說道:

      you said “當中既Orient係指: filtering of the information through our culture, genetics, ability to analyze and synthesize, and previous experience
      同學習、訓練都無關"; “學習同訓練係你實行OODA前…"

      So you can’t even read what you have said? Where you receive previous experience if you don’t learn? How do you do analysis and synthesis without knowledge? By the fact that you have feedback from observation, are you going to adjust to new facts according to new information? Do you need to re-learn and re-train at the same time so you can make a better decision?

      Have you read the paper I linked? That is written by an associate professor from the US :Air Command and Staff College:

      “If one understands the OODA-Loop from this perspective the only conclusion one can reach is that the person who makes faster decisions wins. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you are improperly oriented you make wrong decisions faster and thereby dig your hole deeper more quickly.

      • Twice 說道:

        Can’t you really understand what’s the difference between learning and action?

        And please, please do read the history of Boyd and why he wrote things like E-M Theory and then OODA,

        PLEASE, please go find it, as what you currently said shows that you have no idea about the historical background (like when and why did he write it, things about the Mafia, etc) and thus did’t understand the idea of OODA, apart from applying it to your flawed concept.


    • 山中 說道:

      “What is it then that Boyd trying to tell us? He is saying the orientation is a factor of the dynamic interaction of one’s genetic heritage, cultural traditions, new information, previous experiences, and our analysis and synthesis of all these factors. The process is such that this interaction is constantly and rapidly cycling over and over again. Additionally, we do it unconsciously. And, if we understand this process there are many ways we can influence it – education and training for example."

      Go read the damn paper.

      • Twice 說道:

        Have a bloody look at what you have quote

        And, if we understand this process there are many ways we can influence it – education and training for example."

        We can INFLUENCE the Orientation by education, but the INFLUENCE like EDUCATION is NOT BLOODY PART OF OODA!

        And PLEASE read bloody the summary also

        In summary, cultural traditions affect how we orient ourselves to a particular situation so we can observe it more accurately. We can mitigate some elements of our genetic heritage through medicine and good health. We can do the same with our cultural traditions.

        Have a look at the keywords also:
        OODA-Loop, cultural traditions, genetic heritage, analysis/synthesis, new information, previous experience

        Go find the heritage and tradition instead of here BS-ing some non-existing things using the flawed idea from the stuck mind.

        • 山中 說道:

          “The process is such that this interaction is constantly and rapidly cycling over and over again=." Do you understand what constantly means?

          “In a previous issue of this Journal Dr. Laurian Gherman stated that the OODA-Loop is a learning model, and it is. But it is also much more than that. In the same issue, Dr. Cezar Vasilescu wrote that the OODA-Loop is a decisionmaking model. He too is correct. Unfortunately too many researchers, educators, military professionals, and others do not use Boyd’s illustration, rather they have opted for a representation that overly simplifies the OODA-Loop."

          Obviously you haven’t read anything about Boyd, not even Osinga’s more authoritative treatise on his thoughts.

  6. 路人 說道:

    “The OODA loop has become an important concept in litigation,[1] business[2] and military strategy. According to Boyd, decision-making occurs in a recurring cycle of observe-orient-decide-act. An entity (whether an individual or an organization) that can process this cycle **quickly**, observing and reacting to unfolding events more **rapidly** than an opponent, can thereby “get inside" the opponent’s decision cycle and gain the **advantage**. Frans Osinga argues that Boyd’s own views on the OODA loop are much deeper, richer, and more comprehensive than the common interpretation of the ‘rapid OODA loop’ idea."

    OODA_loop的發明者似乎認為有些像中國人所說的那樣 –要「兵貴神速」,正如俗語也有話 “商場如戰場”, 有時若等你慢慢 “準備” 好的話恐怕你已經被對手打倒….


